Independent Curriculum, 21st Century Skills, Curriculum Analysis, Kurikulum Merdeka, , Keterampilan Abad 21, Analisis KurikulumAbstract
Merdeka Curriculum is an educational approach that emphasizes on development of 21st century skills. It involves creativity, criticallity, communication and collaboration (Kholik et al, 2022). This study aims to analyze the implementation of Merdeka Curriculum in developing 21st century skills. This study is conducted in MTsN 2 Jember during the 2023/2024 academic year. The research method used is qualitative and is designed in a case study.
Data was collected through classroom observations, interviews with teachers, students and school staff, as well as analysis of documents related to curriculum and education policies. The result shows that Merdeka Curriculum in MTsN 2 Jember has succeeded integrating 21st century skills into the learning process. Teachers actively apply learning methods that encourage students to think critically, group work, sharing opinion, and develop their creativity.
Keywords: Independent Curriculum, 21st Century Skills, Curriculum Analysis,
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