Author Guidelines

General Guidelines


  1. Article is the original work of the author/s.
  2. The author is responsible for thoroughly checking the correctness of quotations, grammar, tables and figures before submission.
  3. Authors have the responsibility to revise their articles after receiving reviews from the editorial board.
  4. Authors must register in the LITERATION e-journal before submitting their paper and fill out the form completely.
  5. Articles must be submitted online.
  6. Articles will be reviewed by the Editorial Board.
  7. Article Structure


  1. The title must be clear, concise and concise, which describes the main concern of the article.
  2. The title must contain the main variable or research focus.
  3. The title is typed in bold and capital letters.


Author name / s

  1. The author's name must be typed below the title of the article without an academic degree
  2. The author's address (affiliation) must be typed below the author's name
  3. The author's email address must be typed below the author's address



  1. Abstract is a summary of the article consisting of research background, data collection techniques, data analysis methods techniques, research findings.
  2. Abstract must be written in one paragraph and single spaced.
  3. Abstract is made of a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 200 words.
  4. The word "abstract" is typed in bold, capital letters, and italics.



Keywords must be chosen carefully. They must:

  1. Indicate the contents of your manuscript
  2. Be specific to your field or sub-fields
  3. Keywords must be typed in italics


Introduction  consists of background statements, research questions, theoretical framework, literature review.


The discussion consists of research findings, including descriptions of collected data, data analysis, and interpretation of data using relevant theories.


Conclusion is not just a summary of the main topics covered or a restatement of your research problem, but a synthesis of key points and, where applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research.


Reference  is a reading list that enriches writing so that the author is listed with or without direct reference in the text. The references consequently contain all the author's reading lists arranged alphabetically. The reference composition used must consist of 80% primary references (journals, proceedings) and a maximum of 20% secondary references (textbooks) published in the last 10 years and each article must have at least 15 references.


Writing Technical Regulations

How to present a table

  1. The table should appear aligning the text to the left.
  2. To write table contents, perhaps use Constantia 10pt font.
  3. Table sources should be typed below the table, align text to the left, Constantia 10pt font.
  4. The table cannot have vertical lig


How to present pictures, graphs, photos and diagrams

  1. Pictures, graphs, drawings, photos and diagrams should be centered.
  2. Numbers and titles should be typed over pictures, graphs, pictures, photos and diagrams.
  3. Numbers and words on pictures, graphs, pictures, photos and diagrams are typed in bold, Constantia Font 10pt and in the middle, while the title is typed normally (not bold)
  4. Image, graphic, image, photo, and diagram sources must be typed below the table, align text to the left, Constantia 10pt font.
  5. Images, graphs, pictures, photos and diagrams cannot be in color (must be white, black or gray).


Reference Writing

  1. Load sources cited in writing articles. Only reference sources are included in this reference
  2. The length of the article consists of 6,000 - 10,000 words (in Calibri size 10 font) or between 10 to 15 quarto pages (including references).
  3. Minimum top, bottom, left and right margins of 1 inch.
  4. The front page at least mentions the title of the article and the identity of the author.
  5. All pages, including tables, attachments and references must be numbered.



For reference, we use APA style, and we strongly recommend that authors use citation managers such as Mendeley and Zoterto.

For Academic Articles (APA Style):

Toby, A. (2006). Empirical Study of Nigerian Bank Liquidity Management Practices. Journal of Management & Financial Analysis, 19(1), 57-70

For Books:

Luthans, F. 2011. Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach. United States: McGraw-Hill


Nugroho, WS 2010. The Influence of Corporate Governance on Earnings Management on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Proceedings Presented at the Indonesian Management Forum Grand Seminar "Management Future Challenges", Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia, 02-03 November 2010.

Unpublished Thesis:

Dwipayana, K. 2011. Events Impact of Ratification of Law No. 25 of 2007 concerning Investment on Share Prices on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Unpublished thesis. Surakarta: Eleven March University.

Internet source

Endra. 2014. Trend Patterns Mapping CSR Potential in Indonesia. Available at: March 30, 2015.