Literasi : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Madrasah <p><strong>LITERASI</strong>: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Madrasah</p> en-US (Marti Supandi) (Muh Shohibul Aqli) Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN STRATEGIS DALAM MENCIPTAKAN ORGANISASI BELAJAR <p>Leadership, as a topic that is always an interesting discussion, remains relevant to investigate because it has a crucial role in the success of an organization. In essence, leadership is a form of strong responsibility needed to achieve organizational goals. This involves the process of influencing other people to carry out tasks in accordance with the expected goals. Strategic leadership is more about efforts to influence people no only to do what superiors want, but also to achieve organizational goals. This research aims to explore the definition and concept of strategic leadership and understand its impact on learning organizations. The conclusion shows that strategic leadership is a process that involves managing and achieving performance, with a focus on making decisions that are in line with goals, and achieving the quality of human resources in an organization.</p> Hesti Kusumaningrum, Aziza Sulistyawati, Cinta Kirani Copyright (c) 2024 Hesti Kusumaningrum, Aziza Sulistyawati, Cinta Kirani Sat, 20 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KURIKULUM MERDEKA DALAM PENGEMBANGAN KETERAMPILAN ABAD 21 DI MTS NEGERI 2 JEMBER <p>Merdeka Curriculum is an educational approach that emphasizes on development of 21st century skills. It involves creativity, criticallity, communication and collaboration (Kholik et al, 2022). This study aims to analyze the implementation of Merdeka Curriculum in developing 21st century skills. This study is conducted in MTsN 2 Jember during the 2023/2024 academic year. The research method used is qualitative and is designed in a case study.</p> <p>Data was collected through classroom observations, interviews with teachers, students and school staff, as well as analysis of documents related to curriculum and education policies. The result shows that Merdeka Curriculum in MTsN 2 Jember has succeeded integrating 21st century skills into the learning process. Teachers actively apply learning methods that encourage students to think critically, group work, sharing opinion, and develop their creativity.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Independent Curriculum, 21st Century Skills, Curriculum Analysis,</p> Muhammad Abi Sholeh Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Abi Sholeh Fri, 01 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENINGKATAN PEMAHAMAN KONSEP LUAS PERMUKAAN BANGUN RUANG SISI DATAR MENGGUNAKAN ALAT PERAGA JARING-JARING <p><em>Penguasaan </em><em>siswa </em><em>terhadap </em><em>bangun ruang sisi datar</em><em> masih kurang</em><em>. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah penggunaan metode pembelajaran. Selama ini, guru mengajar hanya menekankan pada penguasaan konsep yang mengacu pada hafalan belaka, mereka hanya dapat berhitung dan menghafal rumus, akan tetapi tidak dapat menjelaskannya dari mana rumus tersebut diperoleh. Konsep merupakan hal yang sangat penting, namun bukan terletak pada konsep itu sendiri, tetapi terletak pada bagaimana sikap, keputusan dan cara-cara memecahkan masalah dengan pemahaman konsep yang tidak sekedar mengandalkan hafalan, terutama dalam memecahkan masalah terkait dengan luas permukaan suatu bangun ruang sisi datar. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut </em><em>adalah salah satunya </em><em>dengan menggunakan </em><em>alat peraga jaring-jaring</em><em>. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam 3 siklus</em><em>. Siklus 1 dilakukan tanpa menggunakan jaring-jaring. Siklus 2 dan 3 menggunakan jaring-jaring. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasan </em><em>siswa </em><em>dalam memahami konsep luas permukaan bangun ruang sis datar. Peneliatian ini dilaksanakan di kelas VIIIG MTsN 2 Jember </em><em>Tahun Pelajaran</em> <em>2022/2023</em> <em>sebanyak 34 siswa. </em><em>Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan observasi, tes dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode alur yang terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada </em><em>peningkatan hasil </em><em>capain indikator pemahaman konsep </em><em>dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2 sebesar 218,48%, dan dari siklus 2 ke siklus 3 sebesar 43,68%.</em></p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: <em>Pemahaman Konsep, Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar, Jaring-Jaring.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Students' mastery of flat side shapes is still lacking. One reason is the use of learning methods. So far, teaching teachers only emphasize mastery of concepts that refer to mere memorization, they can only count and memorize formulas, but cannot explain where the formulas were obtained. The concept is very important, but it does not lie in the concept itself, but lies in how attitudes, decisions and ways of solving problems with an understanding of concepts that don't just rely on memorization, especially in solving problems related to the surface area of ​​a flat side shape . To overcome this problem is one of them by using net props. The research was conducted in 3 cycles. Cycle 1 was carried out without using nets. Cycles 2 and 3 use nets. This study aims to improve students' mastery in understanding the concept of the surface area of ​​a flat sis shape. This research was carried out in class VIIIG MTsN 2 Jember for the 2022/2023 academic year with a total of 34 students. Data collection techniques used observation, tests and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively using the flow method which consisted of data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results showed that there was an increase in the achievement indicators for understanding the concept from cycle 1 to cycle 2 by 218.48%, and from cycle 2 to cycle 3 by 43.68%..</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Understanding Concepts, Constructing Flat Sided Spaces, Nets</em><em>.</em></p> <p> </p> Hosnan, Arif Setyo Purnomo Copyright (c) 2023 Hosnan, Arif Setyo Purnomo Fri, 01 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR “KONSEP ORGANISASI KEHIDUPAN” MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN GROUP INVESTIGATION PADA SISWA KELAS VII MTsN 2 JEMBER <p>Science teaching in class VII - G in MTsN 2 Jember emphasizes providing direct learning experience through the use and development of process skills and scientific attitude. Thus the active role of the student in the learning process is desirable.<br>This study aims to improve students' understanding of the material organization of life by using a learning model group investigation, and increasing student activity in the learning process.<br>In the study group investigation students will discuss in groups and presented his findings from the teacher's task group associated with the Concept of Life Organization. The results showed that student achievement increased views of the value of the average daily tests reached 68.58 into 84.75. For activity of students in terms of asking questions, answering questions, express ideas or opinions, conduct discussions with groups and attention to the activities need to be improved. The results of observations of teachers in the learning process using the learning model group investigation reached an average of 91.67%.</p> Quratulaini Copyright (c) 2023 Quratulaini Fri, 07 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATERI GULING BELAKANG PADA PEMBELAJARAN SENAM LANTAI DENGAN APLIKASI MODEL PERMAINAN BOLA PADA KELAS VIIIB <p>In the teaching and learning process of Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK), an educator is required and expected to teach several aspects such as the basics of steps, as well as technical methods. Theoretical learning in the classroom will not be enough if it is not balanced with real practice, namely outdoor activities that involve physical elements. One of the materials that still makes it difficult for students is the back roll floor exercise. While the game is one of the main components in each physical education program, it is known that the existence of games will affect the atmosphere and also the desire of students to carry out sports activities. With this game model approach students are expected to be able to improve their learning outcomes regarding the back roll movement which they might actually be able to execute well.</p> Ani Kuntariani Copyright (c) 2023 Ani Kuntariani Fri, 07 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000